So... what I have coming up for the next several posts:
• Puerto Rico (I have some to post, I still have more photos to go through)
• Christmas
• New Years
.. and whatever else I'm not thinking of right now.
So. Let me start out with the first part of the first on that list! Puerto Rico... HOOOOOO!!!!
Waiting to get on the plane. This was after a long weekend full of bboying, then no sleep to pack and make it to the airport for the morning flight.
After we got there, we were trying to figure out where we were supposed to get our rental car. We found a section for the company. All there was at the counter was a phone that said something like "Pick this up. We'll tell you where to go." Shady, yeh?
Packing up the car, a black Lancer.
The view was gorgeous on our way to the hotel. Everything was so vibrant. We stayed at the Gran Melia, a crazy ridiculously nice golf resort owned by Donald Trump. Of course not! We didn't feel out of place AT ALL...
That night, we ended up just finding a restaurant off the side of the road near where we stayed. La Verde, or something. Anyway, it was AMAZING, and our first real taste of great Puerto Rican food. The chicken was soooo good, and I had mofongo for the first time, and am in LOVE.
More about the Gran. It's in Rio Grande. There was a small casino there. Three restaurants. A GIANT pool (more to come later). On the beach. A spa. Etc. Of course we didn't touch most ANY of it, knowing (and finding out) how crazy expensive it was. You had to pay something like thirteen dollars for parking each day!
The next day, for lunch, we just drove and stopped at this whole row of food stands. We just walked down the line till we found something we wanted (ok, almost all of it had stuff that looked great). The food was SOO good, and not expensive either!
After lunch, there was a little smoothie stand nearby we stopped at. Those things were so good!
We walked around San Juan that night and stopped in a random bar to hang out and play some pool.
Then on our way back to the car, there was this crazy statue that I made everyone go pose by for a shot. There were stray cats EVERYWHERE, and they started gathering around this little area. Was almost creepy. Anyway, it all lead to some inside jokes and everyone started cracking up. Good times :}
Despite the hot weather, Christmas setup was still everywhere! This is the holiday decor for the squares around San Juan. And my wonderous friend Dawnette showing it off, Vana White Bgirl style :P
So when I said you had to pay each day for parking... that went on your final bill. However, each time you left the grounds, you had to get your parking validated. Annoying. Especially when they weren't always right there at the desk. This is Nick waiting.
Dawnette learned how to drive like a Puerto Rican, aka CRAZY! :D
This was late morning in San Juan. There was a spot or some food that Brent had heard of that he was determined we were getting for breakfast. Mijorkas (I hope I spelled that right). They were amazing. They're some pastry with powdered sugar on it, cut open and made into a sandwich with ham and cheese and egg or whatever combo!
OK! More to come next post :D
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